I saw this book advertised in the latest Family Christian Bookstores ad and had to go take a look. I'm a pretty organized person, but find myself unraveling around the holidays. I took a field trip to the store, flipped through the pages and decided it looked good, so I made the purchase...yes, it was on sale and I used a coupon. (BTW, it's on sale for $14.99)
I planned on sharing some of the ideas at our upcoming women's ministry events (and will still do this), but as I read through the first few pages this afternoon, I felt couldn't wait and needed to share it with you now. For those of you like minded planners you may want to take a look. One of the key planning times is the day after Halloween, aka this Saturday.
In my mind, simplifying my holidays falls naturally into the change series Pastor Steve is leading us through. Wouldn't it be nice to feel less stressed this holiday season? Imagine what it would be like to actually enjoy and look forward to Christmas. What impact would we have on our little corner of the world if we were able to continue our daily devotions, healthy meal planning, exercise, etc. through the holidays?
No, I'm not intoxicated on fairy dust or on a sugar high from eating the Halloween candy before Halloween...I'm just excited about the possibilities and benefits from a little planning now and the potential impact in December! Take a look and share your thoughts...we all benefit from shared experiences.