I'm a collector of stuff. I like to try out various crafts so I have my collection of scrapbooking and jewelry making supplies. I love to read so I have lots of books (BTW I love to loan out my books so keep that in mind.) And then there is my clothes, well, let's just say that I love clothes and do like to look my best and I do keep up with advice on What Not to Wear. BUT, I also have a finite amount of space to store all my stuff and I am one of 5 people and 1 puppy in my home so what does one do with all my stuff?
Kathy Peel has a good rule...Every time a new item comes into the house, show an old item the door.
I frequently remind myself that there are many people who could really use (or need) some of the things that I store for a once or twice a year use. I also need to keep working on my heart and be content with what God has blessed me with.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Simplify Your LIfe

"The people who are most successful in managing their time make appointments with themselves to complete tasks." Barbara Hemphill, Taming the Paper Tiger
This reminded me that I do have to work at maintaining organization - that it is a process or a journey, one that can be refined and improved, but never perfected this side of heaven. And, when we get to heaven, I don't think we'll care! So over the next few weeks I'm going to work at fine tuning my schedule, hopefully rid myself of some junk and simplify when I can. I know I'd rather spend time with my family creating memories than managing my stuff.
If you have any suggestions, add to the blog. Let me know if you're on the same journey, we can encourage each other!
Hosea 6:3
Today as I was preparing for Bible study I came across a verse tucked in the minor prophets or those short books towards the end of your Old Testament that are easy to miss if flipping the pages quickly. Hosea 6:3: "Oh, that we might know the LORD! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as sure as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring." This is my prayer for us, the ladies of LCC!
A New President

Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm fine
How often do we say those words when someone asks how we are doing? Well, Maryn has started saying it, but when she does it's usually a dead give away that there is something amiss. Her favorite use of the "it's fine" comment is when you ask if her diaper is dirty. She very politely says, "Mommy, it's fine!" It makes us laugh when she says it, but it got me to thinking about how often we say we're fine when we're really not. Sometimes its hard to be honest and we think the "time is not right" to share our burdens which can be true. But, how are we responding to God? Are we telling Him we're fine when we're really not? Are we bringing him our burdens? I know I don't like I should. How about you?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
New information...

Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time Bible study - daytime 9:30-11:30 Wednesdays, starting this week, 1/14. Evening group 7-8:30 Mondays, starting next Monday, 1/19.
Beat Winter Blues with Bunco - Friday, January 30th from 7:30-9:30 pm.
PMS Night - Popcorn, Movie and Sundaes Saturday, February 21st
It's A Bling Thing! Annual retreat March 6th and 7th. Comfort Inn in Stafford. Cost $75
Sign up on the church website!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Heavy Heart
Today my heart is heavy as I take two of my friends before the Lord. I ask that you would join me if God lays Kathy or Carol on your hearts as well. My friend Kathy had a double mastectomy on Friday for breast cancer. She home and healing well, but her journey with cancer and the reconstruction from her surgery will be with her for a long time to come.
My friend Carol is expecting her 6th child, but faces an extremely uncertain future. Because of the health of Carol and the anomalies of the baby, Carol is scheduled to have a C-section on Wednesday at 33 weeks. The doctors don't know how much time Carol and Jeff will have with their baby...none, hours, etc.
Both these ladies are strong in their faith and both attest to the power and presence of God as they have gone through their difficulties and uncertain future. Both have talked about how God has brought others into their lives to help comfort and encourage. As I was having my quiet time this morning I was reading in Exodus 33 and 34. The following verses really stood out to me. "Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations."
Are you going through any struggles or difficulties today? I'm still on the soggy journey of potty training and my house is rather messy. What I sense God impressing on my heart this morning is that just as He is faithful to Kathy and Carol in their very difficult circumstances, He is faithful to me with my seemingly minor things. And just as I've been praying for Kathy and Carol, I need to praying about potty training and a messy house.
Let's allow our great God to lavish His unfailing love on us today. Spend a few moments in prayer. And let's praise God for his faithfulness in our lives!
My friend Carol is expecting her 6th child, but faces an extremely uncertain future. Because of the health of Carol and the anomalies of the baby, Carol is scheduled to have a C-section on Wednesday at 33 weeks. The doctors don't know how much time Carol and Jeff will have with their baby...none, hours, etc.
Both these ladies are strong in their faith and both attest to the power and presence of God as they have gone through their difficulties and uncertain future. Both have talked about how God has brought others into their lives to help comfort and encourage. As I was having my quiet time this morning I was reading in Exodus 33 and 34. The following verses really stood out to me. "Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. I lavish unfailing love to a thousand generations."
Are you going through any struggles or difficulties today? I'm still on the soggy journey of potty training and my house is rather messy. What I sense God impressing on my heart this morning is that just as He is faithful to Kathy and Carol in their very difficult circumstances, He is faithful to me with my seemingly minor things. And just as I've been praying for Kathy and Carol, I need to praying about potty training and a messy house.
Let's allow our great God to lavish His unfailing love on us today. Spend a few moments in prayer. And let's praise God for his faithfulness in our lives!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Sleepless in Lorton

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Our of Excuses
I'm all out of excuses for not keeping up with this blog. I'm tempted to make a resolution to be better, but know there will be times I break that resolution and then I'll feel guilty. So, what I'll do is apologize (yet again) and start a new. I'm sorry and appreciate all of you who faithfully check this blog only to be disappointed.
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