Those who know me know that I like to have things clean and in order. Part of this is temperent driven, the other is out of necessity. Quite a few years ago the boys were diagnosed with allergies and asthma. We were told that we needed to keep the house very clean for the health of the boys, get rid of our carpets, wash bedding every week, no curtains, dust every day and the impossible list went on and on. So, for years I’ve tried my best to do what I could (and still remain sane). Imagine my surprise when Rich was fixing a squeak on our sofa and found an area that had never been cleaned - we’re talking about 7 years worth of crumbs! I didn’t know that flap came off!
We also have this lovely mold lurking in our washing machine, though it’s actually in plain sight now. We have the Maytag Neptune washer. Those who know of their record just tell us they’re sorry. Apparently there was a design flaw and these washers became a breeding ground for mold (which by the way both boys are allergic to). There was a class action law suit that we missed because we weren’t having the problem back then, but we sure are having it now. I suspect the mold was there all along and we just didn’t see it until this summer. Now I’m disgusted every time I see it and it won’t come off so we’re in the process of buying a new washer.
Then this morning the boys had an orthodontist appointment…we got up, got ready and made the appointment on time. I even had my hair and make up done and my clothes were well coordinated. Yes, I thought I looked pretty good, even Maryn’s clothes coordinated with mine and it wasn’t planned. After the orthodontist I went into the boys school, chatted with a few people and then came home. I had to gasp when I looked at my jacket and saw the white paper still covering the buttons! I know it’s not a big deal, but I have to laugh when I think I look good and then notice a flaw! I guess it’s just another lesson that I’m not perfect.
What’s the point in all this? I think sometimes we get so busy and fail to see those things lurking in our proverbial closets. It could be crumbs from sloppy eating (that would be my boys’ fault, just kidding, I’m sure I contributed as well), mold that’s there and finally shows itself or little pieces of paper that need to be removed. It could be a bad habit, a grudge or thinking that I’m better than someone else. Whatever it is I’m learning that I need to be willing to allow God to show me these things and show me how to get rid of them.
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