Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Basics of Life

On Sunday, Steve’s sermon was on the “Basics of Life.” He shared with us the mission statement of the church to reach up to God in worship, reach in (fellowship and discipleship) and reach out. There are so many ways we can serve and one of them is through women’s ministries. I often hesitate to solicit help when we have many needs on a Sunday morning. I encourage everyone to take a turn in the nursery or teach/assist a Sunday school class. I can guarantee God’s blessing when you serve our little (and not so little) ones. That being said, it would be wonderful to have more women willing to assist with women’s ministry activites. You could be part of our Planning Committee (we meet quarterly to plan activities) or our Retreat Committee (the retreat is the second weekend in March) or coordinate or assist with an activity. We have a place for every woman at LCC to be invovled!

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