I always enjoy browsing the book isle at Costco and love when I find a bargain. Yesterday I found "Starting and Ending Your Day Right" by Joyce Meyer. It's two books in one with the morning on one side, then if you flip the book over you have the evening side. I bought it to help me in my quest to be more faithful in my daily devotions. Here's what I read for January 1:
"You Can Have a New Beginning
'Do not (earnestly) remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing.' Isaiah 43:18-19
God created us to need new beginnings - places where we can release our faith an say,'This is a place of new beginnings for me, a place to have a fresh start.' The dawn of a new year is always a good time for a fresh start.
You can experience the abundant life Jesus says you can have, but it requires making a decision to let go of the past. Unless you refuse to go on the way you have been, no change will come. God want to change things for you,but He is waiting for you total cooperation.
Seldom do your circumstances change without something first changing in you. So if you want to experience God's 'new thing' this year, release your faith right now and say, 'This is a place of new beginnings for me.' Then watch for results."
I never considered the fact that God created us to need new beginnings. There are days when I am bogged down by all the things I do wrong (repetitively). I wonder how those days would be if I just confessed my sin and started new instead of being frustrated by the old.
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