Monday, August 18, 2008


Tomorrow is Maryn's Gotcha Day...the day she was placed into our arms (pictured above)! It's been a joy to remember the anticipation from a year ago...when we were flying to China, touring Hong Kong, flying to Jiangxi and when we first laid eyes and arms on our precious daughter! It was one of the best days of my life as this has been one fabulous year for our family. We love our little girl so much and she has brought so much joy and laughter to our lives! Tomorrow we'll be celebrating with Maryn's favorite dinner...chicken and french fries. (She even tries to order it when at the bank teller! )

Anyway...get me started talking about Maryn and it's hard to stop. We also have our own Gotcha Day...the day we came to Christ. What joy we brought to God, our Father as we understood His plan of salvation and became one of His children. As I've stepped through the adoption process personally, I have gained a better appreciation of what it means to God and His incredible love for us. If you need more information about how to have your own Gotcha Day, please let me know! Let's give thanks for our own personal Gotcha Day and praise our Heavenly Father for His love!

I need to run...Maryn has been doing stickers while I've been on the computer and I'm not sure where they have landed! Picture below is from a few weeks ago, one year later.

1 comment:

Kristie said...

Maryn has brought joy not only to your family, but to all of us who know her. Happy 1st Gotha Day!