I have no great words of wisdom to offer as we remember September 11, 2001. Like many of you, I remember exactly what I was doing that day. I was meeting my 2 year old preschool students. I remember one of my former parents coming in to tell me about the first of the twin towers being hit. I was so focused on my job that I didn't process what could be happening until the little ones left...by then the events of the morning had played out. I came home and just sat in front of the TV watching the news.
I remember the stories of the families left behind. I also heard stories of parents who "should have been" on one of the planes. I was so thankful when I heard from Rich...he was in a meeting in a government office that morning, but I didn't know where. He was fine and far away from harm. I was also so thankful as I waited for my boys to get off the bus that afternoon. I was thankful for the time off from our usual routine as many of our activities and school were cancelled. While I had things to be thankful for, there were others who were in so much pain.
So, seven year later, I still think of those families who lost loved ones. I think of how the children have survived without a mom or dad. I also think about how our nation turned to God for answers and hope that we do that again today as we remember.
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