not tying you sneakers in PE will break your bones. For those of you who don't know, Caleb broke his foot in PE last week. We thought it was a sprain and he insisted on staying (and walking on his foot) in school for the remainder of the day. He has always wanted to "need" crutches and was very happy when we borrowed some. Rich and I tend to play it safe and take our kids to the doctors "just to make sure." The nurse practitioner who saw him ordered the xray "just to make sure" though she was all but certain it was a sprain. We were all surprised when the radiologist told us his foot was broken. Caleb is now sporting a fancy boot and is able to walk without crutches.
It's been fun to hear him tell of the story, how he was making a great shot in the PE basketball game...he jumped 10 feet off the ground...come to think of it, I don't know if the shot went in or not, but regardless, he didn't return safely to earth...definitely needs to work on his landings.
While I fell bad about the break and the discomfort of his injury, I just have to wonder if he would have broken the foot if his shoes were tied. For those of you without kids or young kids, it's "un-cool" to tie your shoes properly (and think of all the time we as moms spend teaching out kids how to tie their shoes before kindergarten!). I gave up the fight many years ago, do I go there again? Hmmm...a thought for another day.
All that to say, there are just things that happen in our lives that we cannot plan. It throws us off with lots of things. The encouragement for me is those of you who have been praying for Caleb and my family and the fact that God is always there for me. He's there for you too!
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