One thing you may not know about women's ministries is that we have the tag line of "Life Inspiring Faith Enriching." As we plan and execute each activity, Bible study and event, I try to keep this thought in mind. Are we inspiring the women of LCC in their unique roles in life? Are we enriching our faith or just adding to our to-do list? Of course what inspires or enriches me is totally different from what inspires or enriches you.
These are great words, but I wondered what they really meant. Inspire means "to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence." We have the most exalting influence indwelling us - the Holy Spirit. Inspiration is at our disposal at any given time.
Enrich means "to supply with abundance of anything desirable or to add greater value or significance to." (Definitions are from Oh, how I desire that with all we do, we add greater value or significance to our faith.
So, this brings me to my question of the week. What inspires or enriches your life? What could we do as a women's ministry to inspire or enrich? I look forward to your comments.
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