Friday, April 23, 2010

Weeds and other garden work

I mentioned a few posts ago that I was looking forward to seeing the result of all the bulbs I planted last fall. And, I have to report that I was sorely disappointed! I obviously have some type of pesky varmint who came along and ate most of my bulbs. I'll have to look into it if I want to plant more bulbs in the fall - I definitely don't want to do all that back breaking work for nothing!

Speaking of work, as I look at my perennial garden in the backyard, I am reminded of the maintenance required to keep it looking good. There are the usual weeds that need to be pulled and then there is the bee balm that is trying to take over so I need to pull that (let me know if you want some...I can bring it to church on Sunday.) I can't help but think of spiritual parallels when I think of my garden. First, it requires work. It is easy to see what needs to be done in the garden but not so easy to get my fanny out there and do the work. It is going to take time and I don't always have huge blocks of time and, as you can see it is easier for me to blog about!

In my spiritual life there are weeds that need to be pulled and things that are trying to take over. I often don't see these things, but I believe I don't see them because I don't look or as I say to my children don't "look with my eyes open." I get discouraged often when I invest time in something (like my bulbs) and don't see the results. Then, there are seasons when I am just so busy that only the urgent things get done and in the case of my garden it waits for my attention.

So, what am I trying to say? I'm not really sure except that I know when we take time to weed and cultivate our lives, there will be a beautiful harvest. I encourage you to ask God where to start and to start small. Let me know of your gardening projects (both physical and spriritual) so I can encourage you!

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