Friday, August 29, 2008

Four Years Ago

Four years ago, our family left a large church looking for a place where we would fit in. We knew Pastor Steve from baseball. He had invited us several times and decided it was the time to check out this little church named LCC. We visited at the end of the summer and rest as is often said, is history. I can still remember the awkwardness of being knew, but also the sense that this church really cared about those who entered there doors. As the coordinator of Women's ministries, I strive to make others feel as welcomed as I felt. While I know I'm not perfect with this goal, it is still a worthy goal to have.

I also remember how hard it was for me to go to that very first women's ministry activity...I can still picture where we were, who I sat with and what we did (for those who would remember, it was the pottery painting activity and I sat with JoAnn Cerda.) And while it was difficult for me to step out of my comfort zone, it was probably one of the best things I could have done to get to know people.

Perhaps you are new to LCC or have never been to one of our women's ministry activities, if so, I encourage you to come to our Back to School Coffee. You don't have to be a mom or be in school to come. It's for ALL the LCC ladies! It's just a short 90 minutes and I can guarantee that you'll get to know someone new and that you'll also be thankful you came!

Back to School Coffee

It's back to school time...I wonder what thoughts that brings to your mind. Some of us are reluctant to see summer end, while others are ready to send our kids back to school. Some of us are preparing classrooms for their students, both in our area schools and some in the school rooms of home. And some of us don't have children and don't have to get all caught up in the school supply aisles at our local stores. No matter your situation, fall seems to bring us back to the routine of life at home and also our church.

With all this in mind, I'd like to invite you to a Back to School Coffee at my home on Saturday, September 6th from 9-10:30 am. Coffee, bagels and fruit will be provided. Please let me know if you need childcare. The only thing I ask you to bring is a short prayer request for the school year for your children or for yourself. We'll have a time of fellowship followed by a time of prayer. We'll be praying for each other, the ladies in our church who teach and for those who teach Sunday school at LCC.

It'll be a great time to relax, get reconnected or even get to meet the wonderful ladies of LCC. Please make sure to RSVP through the church website!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yesterday was a great day! I had lots of fun holding and laughing with Maryn. She and I looked at the pictures when we got her. Our dinner of chicken and french fries went well and the ice cream cake was a huge hit. Last night Rich and I attended a LCC church leaders meeting and discovered that yesterday was also GOTCHA DAY for the Downing family! Rita, Lazarus and Angelo officially became our hearts they have been all along, but now it's also officially on paper. Congratulations Downing family! I wonder what GOTCHA DAY 2009 will hold for LCC!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Great Book Club!

Last night we had a great book club! Thanks to Deanna for hosting us and for baking those amazing brownies and to Nicole for leading our discussion! We have a great group of ladies at LCC; our activities are a great time to get to know others and have some fun! I know for me it was the perfect ending to my day and a great way to start my week. Thanks to all who came and for the friendship you bring to my life! To those who weren't able to make it, you were missed!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Tomorrow is Maryn's Gotcha Day...the day she was placed into our arms (pictured above)! It's been a joy to remember the anticipation from a year ago...when we were flying to China, touring Hong Kong, flying to Jiangxi and when we first laid eyes and arms on our precious daughter! It was one of the best days of my life as this has been one fabulous year for our family. We love our little girl so much and she has brought so much joy and laughter to our lives! Tomorrow we'll be celebrating with Maryn's favorite dinner...chicken and french fries. (She even tries to order it when at the bank teller! )

Anyway...get me started talking about Maryn and it's hard to stop. We also have our own Gotcha Day...the day we came to Christ. What joy we brought to God, our Father as we understood His plan of salvation and became one of His children. As I've stepped through the adoption process personally, I have gained a better appreciation of what it means to God and His incredible love for us. If you need more information about how to have your own Gotcha Day, please let me know! Let's give thanks for our own personal Gotcha Day and praise our Heavenly Father for His love!

I need to run...Maryn has been doing stickers while I've been on the computer and I'm not sure where they have landed! Picture below is from a few weeks ago, one year later.

School Supplies

This is the time of year when we dutifully purchase our school supplies for the upcoming school year. The supply aisles at Walmart and Target are filled with parents carrying lists and children selecting their favorite notebooks and pencil cases. I enjoy looking for bargains, especially when you find colored pencils and markers for $0.88 and crayons for $0.22. It's also a great time to start making purchases for our Operation Christmas child project that will be coming in October and November. Every year we make a church goal to send a specific number of boxes through Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child. Please pray about participating this year and let me know the bargains you find! In these budget stretching times it's helpful to save wherever we can!

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Promise to Remember

Our next women's ministry activity is book club next Monday, August 18th. Please note the change in date from Tuesday to Monday. It will still be at Deanna's house from 7-9 pm. The book is "A Promise to Remember" by Kathryn Cushman. It's a quick read with something for everyone and many of the life situations that surround us every day. I hope you'll be able to be there!

Change is'll be hearing a lot about it in the upcoming weeks. I love the change of pace in our summer weather this year. This is what I remember summer to be like when I was growing up. Are you ready for some change?

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Battle

This summer I'm doing a Bible study on prayer with my closest friend. Prayer is one of my weakest areas in my walk with God. I keep thinking that I'll be a better pray-er when I get organized...which somehow never happens. So, when my friend said she wanted to work on her prayer life, I quickly agreed to join the journey. We chose a well known Christian author who wrote both a book and study guide...perfect for our needs! But...I struggled so much with this study. I didn't want to do the work and when I did read, I felt like saying "I already know this, tell me something I don't know!" Yikes, what an attitude and I had some guilt over that as well!

The one thing about doing a study with a friend is that there is accountability to do the work, so I fulfilled my duty and whined a bit in the process. Then I decided that I should pray (DUH!) about my struggles. I felt that Satan was really trying to pull one over on me, which would lead to a path of frustration. I also decided to try doing the workbook before I read the chapter in the book and believe it or not, between the change in process and prayer, I'm now enjoying this study, seeing the power of prayer and even getting tips for how to organize my prayer life.

Why was this a battle? I believe Satan would rather have me be frustrated and ineffective while God wants me to have His strength and guidance for each day. I suspect we all have different battles going on in our lives at any given time. So, the purpose of me sharing this is to encourage you to hang in there with whatever you need to hang in with...a Bible study, Christian book, relationship or just managing daily life and PRAY! I'd love to pray for you as well, just let me know how I can pray for you!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Prayer Requests

This week our youth are away in Maine on a mission's trip. Accompanying them are Donald and Kristie Buttram and Russ and Deanna Wells. It is wonderful to have such great leaders to be with our kids and guide their spiritual growth. I'm thankful for each of them and the great teens we have at our church

Please continue to remember the Markle family with the birth of Nicholas. I got to see him this afternoon and he is a beautiful baby! Mom and baby are adjusting well, but those of us who have had children can remember those first few weeks and all the adjustments.

Continue to pray about women's ministries at the church. Our next activity is a book club on Tuesday, August 19th at the home of Deanna Wells. We'll be discussing the book "A Promise to Remember" by Kathryn Cushman. If you have any ideas or would like to be part of the women's ministry team, please let me know!