Monday, December 31, 2007
What's "New" for You?

Friday, December 28, 2007
Notes to self
I keep a Christmas journal to document how we celebrated each year. I also include a list of things I would like to do different next year. (Now, if I could just remember to read it around Thanksgiving, it would be really helpful!)
Here's a few notes for next year:
- use placecards for seating at Christmas dinner...it will avoid confusion
- start Christmas letter sooner...if you read my journal you'd see that this is there every year!
- focus on the real meaning of Christmas...I was reading a book by Karen Kingsbury and in the preface she says that she is "struck bye the way in which we hustle through the season. Searching for bargains, desperate for the right gift at the right price, and often so busy we barely notice the tinny refrains of "Silent Night" announcing over the store's P.A. system that all is calm, all is bright." I have to admit that this is a fair description of me this year as I struggled to get everything pulled together.
- keep trying but remember that it will never be perfect!
Here's a few notes for next year:
- use placecards for seating at Christmas dinner...it will avoid confusion
- start Christmas letter sooner...if you read my journal you'd see that this is there every year!
- focus on the real meaning of Christmas...I was reading a book by Karen Kingsbury and in the preface she says that she is "struck bye the way in which we hustle through the season. Searching for bargains, desperate for the right gift at the right price, and often so busy we barely notice the tinny refrains of "Silent Night" announcing over the store's P.A. system that all is calm, all is bright." I have to admit that this is a fair description of me this year as I struggled to get everything pulled together.
- keep trying but remember that it will never be perfect!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
What's Your Shopping Personality?

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thought for Christmas

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
About Christmas Traditions

From Christmas at Home: Favorite Christmas Traditions written and compiled by Ellyn Sanna.
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Baby Jesus
When my youngest daughter was very small, she loved anything that was a "baby." The sight of a kitten or a puppy or a human baby filled her with overflowing delight and love "Aww," she's say, her face lighting up. "A baby!" She even loved those tiny mini-bagels, because they were "baby bagels," and she'd gently rock them back and forth in her cupped hand, thinking them too cute to eat.
When Christmas came, the first she could really remember, our church put a nearly life-size creche at the front of the sanctuary. My daughter was interested in it, but all through Advent, the manger was empty. Jesus would be there on Christmas Day, we promised her.
On Christmas Day, sure enough there lay the Baby, snugly tucked in His bed of hay. When the service was over, I was talking with friends when I realized my youngest had disappeared. We found her on her knees by the manger. She looked up at me, her face lit with reverence. "Jesus is a baby, Mommy!"
She'd heard about Jesus all her life - but for the first time, she had caught a glimpse of who He really is - the Son of God who had loved her enough to become little and helpless, just like her.
From Christmas at Home: Favorite Christmas Traditions written and compiled by Ellyn Sanna
This struck a chord with me. I have the blessed opportunity to teach our precious toddlers in Sunday school each week. We have been learning about the babies of the Bible; they don't seem that interested in learning about the grown up, just the babies. What fun we have had! Their looks of joy and wonder are priceless! We've been searching for Baby Jesus as we learn the story of Christmas. Do you know where Jesus is? Is He in your heart?
When Christmas came, the first she could really remember, our church put a nearly life-size creche at the front of the sanctuary. My daughter was interested in it, but all through Advent, the manger was empty. Jesus would be there on Christmas Day, we promised her.
On Christmas Day, sure enough there lay the Baby, snugly tucked in His bed of hay. When the service was over, I was talking with friends when I realized my youngest had disappeared. We found her on her knees by the manger. She looked up at me, her face lit with reverence. "Jesus is a baby, Mommy!"
She'd heard about Jesus all her life - but for the first time, she had caught a glimpse of who He really is - the Son of God who had loved her enough to become little and helpless, just like her.
From Christmas at Home: Favorite Christmas Traditions written and compiled by Ellyn Sanna

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thought for Christmas
He was created of a mother whom he created. He was carried by hands that he formed. He cried in the manger in wordless infancy, he, the Word, without whom all human eloquence is mute.
Augustine of Hippo
Augustine of Hippo
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thoughts of Christmas
You have come to us as a small child, but you have brought us the greatest of all gifts, the gift of eternal love. Caress us with your tiny hands, embrace us with your tiny arms, and pierce our hearts with your soft, sweet cries. Bernard of Clairvaux

What Does it Mean?
What does devotions or quiet time mean to you? I read this definition of devotional study this morning from "Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time." It is a quote from Merrill C. Tenney, "Devotional study impresses the message on a believing heart. The crown of all study is devotional study. Devotional study is not so much of a technique as a spirit. It is the spirit of eagerness which seeks the mind of God; it is the spirit of humility which listens readily to the voice of God; it is the spirit of adventure which pursues earnestly the will of God; it is the spirit of adoration which rests in the presence of God." (Italics mine).
One of the verses I read this morning is from Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you." After thinking about this verse, I decided I've taken the "diet" approach to God's Word...read it quickly, glean little so as not to eat too much and heaven forbid gain weight (spiritual or otherwise), and check it off my to-do list. Yep, definitely the diet approach. With God's help I'd like to take the rich, extravagant approach with a spirit of eagerness, humility, adventure and adoration. I've no doubt that in my weight loss minded approach, I will not be spiritually fat...I believe those adventures will keep me fit in the Lord! Physical fitness??? Well, that's another blog topic all together and I'm not going there this morning!
One of the verses I read this morning is from Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you." After thinking about this verse, I decided I've taken the "diet" approach to God's Word...read it quickly, glean little so as not to eat too much and heaven forbid gain weight (spiritual or otherwise), and check it off my to-do list. Yep, definitely the diet approach. With God's help I'd like to take the rich, extravagant approach with a spirit of eagerness, humility, adventure and adoration. I've no doubt that in my weight loss minded approach, I will not be spiritually fat...I believe those adventures will keep me fit in the Lord! Physical fitness??? Well, that's another blog topic all together and I'm not going there this morning!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Quiet Times
I got together with some friends the other day and as we talked we discovered that we were all struggling with consistency in our quiet times. We all know and have experienced the benefits of starting our day in the Word and in prayer. Those days just seem to go almost flawlessly, not without issues, but we view those issues through the lens of God. They are just better days. So the question is, if we know how much better it is when we spend time with God, why don't we do it?! There's no easy answer here, probably a bit of Satan distracting us, not enough denying our own desires (sleep), etc.
I do NOT have all the answers, but as I mentioned in an earlier blog, I've been reading a book called "Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time." Their website is http://www.quiettime.org/ and they offer many resources some online and some books. I've only been at it about a week or so, but it has energized my times with God. I found that I had become lazy relying too much on the study of other humans and not being in the word and studying for myself.
One idea I read yesterday was to read through Psalms and Proverbs reading one a day. If you do this, you'll read through the Psalms and Proverbs twice in a year. I think this is a great plan and one I'm praying over as I plan for 2008. Would you join me in this? Pray about it.
This morning as I was thinking about this blog entry I had a thought, bear with me because it does connect. Maryn and I were up in her room. She went to her crib and pulled out her "bluggy" (her little comfort blanket) and stuffed panda bear (from Miss Darcy). These are her favorite things she wants when going to sleep. They provide comfort and security. I got to wondering...what are my comfort items and what should they be? I prayerfully wish my comfort item to be my copy of God's word, something I couldn't live without or go a day without opening. I believe this will be one of goals and prayers for 2008!
I do NOT have all the answers, but as I mentioned in an earlier blog, I've been reading a book called "Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time." Their website is http://www.quiettime.org/ and they offer many resources some online and some books. I've only been at it about a week or so, but it has energized my times with God. I found that I had become lazy relying too much on the study of other humans and not being in the word and studying for myself.
One idea I read yesterday was to read through Psalms and Proverbs reading one a day. If you do this, you'll read through the Psalms and Proverbs twice in a year. I think this is a great plan and one I'm praying over as I plan for 2008. Would you join me in this? Pray about it.
This morning as I was thinking about this blog entry I had a thought, bear with me because it does connect. Maryn and I were up in her room. She went to her crib and pulled out her "bluggy" (her little comfort blanket) and stuffed panda bear (from Miss Darcy). These are her favorite things she wants when going to sleep. They provide comfort and security. I got to wondering...what are my comfort items and what should they be? I prayerfully wish my comfort item to be my copy of God's word, something I couldn't live without or go a day without opening. I believe this will be one of goals and prayers for 2008!
Washing Machine Saga
I'm beginning to wonder if this washing machine saga is going to keep going until I've tested every washing machine available...this is getting old quickly. I did have a visit from the Samsung folks on Friday. The poor guy was here for quite a while and guess what...the machine never acted up, didn't do the error code thingy it's been doing for me. Go figure! He tested everything he could and suggested that if it happens again, to leave it with the error and call again. There was one loose connection that he tightened so I was hopeful that was the resolution. I put a load of laundry in and no error code when it started or ended. So far so good. I did my second load on Monday morning and guess what? Yep, I got the error code again. I tried leaving it, but you can't silence the alarm. There was no way I could tolerate that alarm going off all day. Rich and I decided that this machine is going back as well. Does anyone have a recommendation for a front loading washing machine? Help!!!!
Gift Ideas
If you're like me, you try really hard to give thoughtful, creative gifts, while trying to reign in the budget. I came across a book I have titled "Holiday Jar Mixes" from the Christmas at Home series by Andra Roberts and Wilma Teal. I have received a couple gifts like this and they are great. They look great and it'a a practical, comsumable gift. Here are a couple recipes. Let me know if you'd like to borrow the book!
1/3 cup instant tea with lemon
1/3 cup instant orange breakfast drink mix
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp cloves
1 tsp cinnamon
In a medium bowl, combine all ingredients, stirring well to mix. Spoon Hot Spiced Tea Mix ino a 1 pint glass jar. Attach recipe card with th following instructions.
Place 2 teaspoons Hot Spiced Tea Mix into a cup. Add 8 ounces boiling water. Stir and enjoy!
Cinnamon Raisin Quick Bread Mix
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup raisins
1/4 cup chopped pecans
In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnaon. Place in bottom of 1 quart glass jar. Layer emaining ingredents in order given. Atach a recipe card with the following instructions.
Cinnamon Raisin Quick Break
Cinnamon Raisin Quick Break Mix
1/3 cup butter, softened
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp vanilla.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour 9x5x3 inch loaf pan. Place Cinnamon Raisin Quick Bread Mix in a large bowl, stirring to combine. Add butter, egg, milk, and vanilla. Beat with an electric mixer until well blended. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 55-60 minutes or until toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan before inverting onto a wire rack.
As we are planning, buying, making, wrapping and giving our gifts, let's give thanks to God for the greatest gift ever given! Happy gift giving!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Hands Reaching Up
As a mom, I'm not sure there is anything as irresistible as your child's hands reaching up to you to hold them. I know I look forward to those little arms reaching up and that precious smile each time I walk into Maryn's room. I doubt there is a mom that would walk away from that embrace which got me wondering...I know that God is quick to embrace me, to wrap me in His love, but how often do I walk the other way or even fail to see His loving arms and precious smile patiently waiting for me? Another thing to ponder...
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Christmas Traditions
I was reading a book this morning called "101 Ways to have a Christian Christmas" by Brenda Verner. I'm always open to hearing different ideas to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. I was tempted to skip the introduction and get to the ideas, but decided to read it. I also have the bad habit of skimming a bit to quickly thinking blah, blah, blah. Had I done this today, I would have missed out. The author talked about the trappings of our society but as Christians we celebrate the birth of Jesus. She went on to say "We respond to this 'good news' with joy and thanksgiving, and from that response flow the generosity, creativity, and enthusiasm that spark many of our yuletide celebrations - whether at home, in our neighborhoods, at church or in our cities Christ becomes the center point and focus of all we do."
I got to thinking about all the things I like to do this time of year, decorating my home, baking cookies, eating cookies, shopping, wrapping gifts, sending Christmas cards, etc. I have to admit that when I'm doing all the things I just listed, my heart is not always (maybe I should say not often enough) focused on Christ. Sometimes there is a disconnect and the spiritual is separate from my traditions or better stated, my to-do list. I know this time of year is so busy, but perhaps it will be more meaningful and less stressed if Christ truly becomes the center and focus of all I do. What do you think?
I got to thinking about all the things I like to do this time of year, decorating my home, baking cookies, eating cookies, shopping, wrapping gifts, sending Christmas cards, etc. I have to admit that when I'm doing all the things I just listed, my heart is not always (maybe I should say not often enough) focused on Christ. Sometimes there is a disconnect and the spiritual is separate from my traditions or better stated, my to-do list. I know this time of year is so busy, but perhaps it will be more meaningful and less stressed if Christ truly becomes the center and focus of all I do. What do you think?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Washing Machine Saga Continues

A while back I blogged about the nasty mold in my washing machine. Since then I've embarked on quite a journey that I didn't expect or really want to be on. I mean, how hard should it be to purchase a new washing machine? The purchasing part isn't that difficult, anyone will take my money, it's the part of being happy with the purchase. I even researched washers for quite a while before I set out. We purchased the top rated machine. I guess that's fine if you don't mind your entire house shaking while the machine is in the spin cycle. You can even enjoy the deluxe fanny massage if you happen to be upon the throne in the adjoining bathroom at the right time. Can you imagine? You couldn't even leave anything on top of the washer because it would fall off! So after many phone calls...and I hate all the automated call systems...just give me a live person...we returned the washer and the dryer (which by the way, the dryer didn't dry my clothes about 50% of the time, that's another tale.) So after some more research and more quality time with the folks of Best Buy we purchased a different washer and dryer. Should be end of story, but since I'm still blogging about it, you know it's not. This machine with it's "vibration reduction technology" doesn't give the infamous fanny massage or drop things off the top, but it alarms, something about the door not being able to unlock. It wouldn't be that bad, except that it's new and should be working perfectly. You also can't go to bed with the machine running because it will alarm about the door until you to shut if off! Am I the lemon queen? I think the Best Buy folks are starting to know my voice. I'm currently waiting for the Samsung folks to give a call back to let me know when the next repair man will visit my home and washer. In the meantime does anyone have any sugar?
Where Does the Time Go?
Just when I think I've got this blogging thing down and am updating at least weekly I seem to drop off the face of the earth. Actually, I drop off into the face of life. It also seems that when I drop off into the face of life, my quiet times also drop off...not good, I know, but the truth. I've been struggling with what to do in my quiet times. They've been pretty stale lately. As many of you know I love to shop and while out the day after Thanksgiving I discovered a book at the Christian bookstore called "Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time" by Catherine Martin. I just sat down with it this morning and am impressed by the forward by Vonette Bright, the preface and first chapter. I'd encourage you to check out www.quiettime.org to see the resources there for our quiet times with God.
On another note,I have to tell you that my daughter is just so cute. I've been on the computer while she was eating her breakfast this morning. She was sitting right in front of me. She didn't want her milk cup on her tray, but beside my diet coke so our drinks were together. Isn't that the cutest?! I need to run...I'm being urged to read to her!
On another note,I have to tell you that my daughter is just so cute. I've been on the computer while she was eating her breakfast this morning. She was sitting right in front of me. She didn't want her milk cup on her tray, but beside my diet coke so our drinks were together. Isn't that the cutest?! I need to run...I'm being urged to read to her!
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