A while back I blogged about the nasty mold in my washing machine. Since then I've embarked on quite a journey that I didn't expect or really want to be on. I mean, how hard should it be to purchase a new washing machine? The purchasing part isn't that difficult, anyone will take my money, it's the part of being happy with the purchase. I even researched washers for quite a while before I set out. We purchased the top rated machine. I guess that's fine if you don't mind your entire house shaking while the machine is in the spin cycle. You can even enjoy the deluxe fanny massage if you happen to be upon the throne in the adjoining bathroom at the right time. Can you imagine? You couldn't even leave anything on top of the washer because it would fall off! So after many phone calls...and I hate all the automated call systems...just give me a live person...we returned the washer and the dryer (which by the way, the dryer didn't dry my clothes about 50% of the time, that's another tale.) So after some more research and more quality time with the folks of Best Buy we purchased a different washer and dryer. Should be end of story, but since I'm still blogging about it, you know it's not. This machine with it's "vibration reduction technology" doesn't give the infamous fanny massage or drop things off the top, but it alarms, something about the door not being able to unlock. It wouldn't be that bad, except that it's new and should be working perfectly. You also can't go to bed with the machine running because it will alarm about the door until you to shut if off! Am I the lemon queen? I think the Best Buy folks are starting to know my voice. I'm currently waiting for the Samsung folks to give a call back to let me know when the next repair man will visit my home and washer. In the meantime does anyone have any sugar?
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