Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Where Does the Time Go?

Just when I think I've got this blogging thing down and am updating at least weekly I seem to drop off the face of the earth. Actually, I drop off into the face of life. It also seems that when I drop off into the face of life, my quiet times also drop off...not good, I know, but the truth. I've been struggling with what to do in my quiet times. They've been pretty stale lately. As many of you know I love to shop and while out the day after Thanksgiving I discovered a book at the Christian bookstore called "Six Secrets to a Powerful Quiet Time" by Catherine Martin. I just sat down with it this morning and am impressed by the forward by Vonette Bright, the preface and first chapter. I'd encourage you to check out www.quiettime.org to see the resources there for our quiet times with God.

On another note,I have to tell you that my daughter is just so cute. I've been on the computer while she was eating her breakfast this morning. She was sitting right in front of me. She didn't want her milk cup on her tray, but beside my diet coke so our drinks were together. Isn't that the cutest?! I need to run...I'm being urged to read to her!

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