Tuesday, October 9, 2007

What's For Dinner?

Do you ever have one of those days, weeks, months or just phases of life when you cannot decide what to serve for dinner? I’m closing in on the “phases” timeframe right now. The not so funny thing is that I have a freezer and pantry full of food, but I just cannot decide what to make. It’s kind of like having a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear. I know that I do best when I write out a menu for the week, even if I decide to change the menu. The question is, why don’t I plan? If you know the answer, you may want to patent it because you could make millions! Dinner time is so busy these days. When your family is busy with activities and you’re bonding with your vehicle (sometimes more than your family), it’s just difficult to get dinner on the table at a reasonable hour. Picking up the phone to order take out (or going through the drive thru) is just so much easier. So, perhaps I need a menu makeover or just a reality check, but I suspect I’m not alone in this “phase.” Does anyone have any family favorite dinner ideas? Please share with us all!

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