Friday, May 1, 2009

Not too difficult...

I've been involved with the First Place for Health program since we started it at LCC last fall. I did well in the first session, terrible in the second and this week we started the third. Truth be told, I regained most of the weight I lost in the first session which is very frustrating. I'm now trying to get myself back on track. I'd really like to see the numbers decreasing on the scale, but it hasn't budged much, again frustrating.

Part of FP4H is memorizing scripture. This week's verse has really resonated with me. It is Deut. 30:11: "Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach." I tend to lump things together like wanting to lose all the weight in one week, getting the entire house cleaned, etc. What I've learned this week is that God has specific things planned for me for today and that is what He wants me to do today. Today's tasks are not too difficult or beyond my exercising today, eating healthy today, cleaning the living room today. Tomorrow there will be a new set of tasks and eventually in God's time, the whole thing will be done.

I know we each have our larger tasks that seem too difficult and beyond our reach, but what about today? I encourage you to ask our Heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance.

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