Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blooms Abound

It's been several days since we've returned from our annual women's retreat. What a beautiful time it was...seeing women worship, develop friendships, and hear the Lord speak all in a beautiful, flowerful setting! The ladies that led our sessions, activities and discussions around the tables did a fabulous job! What an honor it is to serve beside such wonderful women who seek to serve God! I know we will see the impact of the retreat for months and years to come - we have to because God promised that time spent in His word would never return void.

One of the things I read over and over in the retreat evaluations is that God was drawing the ladies into a closer relationship with Him. I can't think of a greater lession and I encourage everyone to seek God with all their heart.

I wish every lady at LCC would have been able to attend, but God can work on your heart if you were there or not and I pray that He is doing just that. Our next ladies Bible study will begin on Monday, March 24. We'll be looking at the life of Mary and Martha in the book "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver. The focus of the book is developing an intimate relationship with God. If you are not currently part of this group, we'd love for you to join us.

I love the signs of spring popping up around me. I have a few crocuses and daffodils that have bloomed in the past week and see many more coming up through the ground. The birds are actively building their nests - Maryn loves to hear the birds chirping when we go outside. The days are getting warmer and longer. I pray that as we see these beautiful signs of spring that we also see the blossoms God has for our spiritual lives as well.

"Put your hope in the LORD, for with he LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption." Psalm 130:7

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