Sunday, April 27, 2008

What's New in Women's ministries?

Our jewelry night was a huge success! Thanks to all who came and especially to Tori for helping us assemble our necklaces and bracelets.

Our next activity is our Mom Time Cafe this coming Saturday, May 3 from 1-3 pm at the home of Sherri Markle. This is the one time of year that we set aside time to encourage our moms. This year Pastor Steve's mom, Leslie Markle will be sharing a devotional with us. To register, visit the church website

We are still working through the book "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World." Last week we worked through chapter 5, Living Room intimacy. The question posed is how do we develop an intimate relationship with God? The answer...PRAYER + THE WORD + TIME = INTIMACY WITH GOD. While we will always be working on each of these areas, we usually find one easier than another and it varies from person to person.

Some of our upcoming events include and movie night in June and book club in July and August. In June we will be starting a First Place Bible study. Watch your email for more details. I hope to see many of our LCC women at these activities!

1 comment:

Darcy's Mixed Media said...

Thanks for the update. :o)