Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In and Out Rule

I'm a collector of stuff. I like to try out various crafts so I have my collection of scrapbooking and jewelry making supplies. I love to read so I have lots of books (BTW I love to loan out my books so keep that in mind.) And then there is my clothes, well, let's just say that I love clothes and do like to look my best and I do keep up with advice on What Not to Wear. BUT, I also have a finite amount of space to store all my stuff and I am one of 5 people and 1 puppy in my home so what does one do with all my stuff?

Kathy Peel has a good rule...Every time a new item comes into the house, show an old item the door.

I frequently remind myself that there are many people who could really use (or need) some of the things that I store for a once or twice a year use. I also need to keep working on my heart and be content with what God has blessed me with.

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